Thursday, November 10, 2011

Takaful Islamic foundation

A. Definition of Takaful (Takaful)
1) Meaning of the Word Takaful
In language, takaful (تكافل) derived from the root word (ك ف ل), which means help, give a living and take over a person's case. In the Qur'an the word takaful is not found, but there are some words that same meaning to takaful words, as in:

QS. Thoha / 20: 40
إذ تمشي أختك فتقول هل أدلكم على من يكفله

"(It is) a woman when your brother goes, then he said to the (family of Pharaoh): 'May I show you someone who will maintain it?"

QS. Annisa / 04: 85:
ومن يشفع شفاعة سيئة يكن له كفل منها
"And whoever gives syafa'at that bad, surely she would bear a share (sin) thereof .."

2) The meaning of Takaful In Muamalah Definition:
Each bear the risk among fellow Muslims so that between each other to be the insurer on other risks. Each bear the risk of this is done on the basis of mutual help to each other in goodness in a way, each person spends virtue (read; tabarru ') are intended to bear the risk.

Takaful is in accordance with such understanding to the word of Allah SWT QS. Al-Maidah / 5: 2:
وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان

"And please-menolonglah you in a (working) virtue and piety, and do mutual assistance in sin and transgression."

Implementation Takaful As Described Hadith (المعنى التطبيقي للتكافل كما بينه الحديث النبوي)

In an illustrated history:

عن النعمان بن بشير قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مثل المؤمنين في توادهم وتراحمهم وتعاطفهم مثل الجسد إذا اشتكى منه عضو تداعى له سائر الجسد بالسهر والحمى (رواه مسلم)

"From Nu'man bin Bashir ra, the Prophet SAW said, 'Parable of the brotherhood of the Muslims in the love and affection between them is like one body. Whenever one body part to feel pain, it will be perceived by other parts of the body, such as when no able to sleep or when a fever. " (Narrated by Muslim)

B. According to the definition of Takaful DSN (التعريف بالتأمين الإسلامي عند الهيئة الشرعية الوطنية)

Takaful (Ta'min, Takaful or Tadhamun) is an attempt to protect each other and mutual help among a number of the person / party through investment in assets and / or tabarru 'which gives the pattern of returns to face certain risks through the contract (agreement) in accordance with sharia .

Contract in accordance with sharia is that it does not contain gharar (deception), maysir (gambling), usury, dzulm (persecution), risywah (bribes), illegitimate and immoral things.

C. Among Ancestor Takaful (النشأة الموجزة للتأمين الإسلامي)

- Al-Aqila (العاقلة)
Namely each other or assume responsibility for his family. If one member of the tribe were killed by members of other tribes, the heir to the victim will be paid with blood money (diyat) in compensation for next of kin of the slain. Next of kin of the killer called Aqilah. Then they collect the funds (al-kanzu) are intended to help families involved in the murder of an accident.

- Al-Muwalah (المولاة)
That agreement guaranteed. Guarantor guarantees that a user has no inheritance and no known heirs. Guarantor agrees to bear the payment to him, if the person is doing jinayah guaranteed. Where a person who is guaranteed to die, then the guarantor shall inherit his property along there was no heir.

D. Basics of Takaful Syar'i (الأدلة الشرعية لبناء التأمين الشرعي)

1) Commands of Allah SWT To Prepare Future Day.

Allah says QS. An-Nisa / 04: 09:

وليخش الذين لو تركوا من خلفهم ذرية ضعافا خافوا عليهم فليتقوا الله وليقولوا قولا سديدا

"And let the fear of Allah those who if they leave behind children who are weak, that they worry about the (welfare) them. Therefore let them fear Allah, and let them speak right words."

This verse describes to us the importance of planning or careful planning in preparing for the next day. Prophet Joseph as, exemplified in the Al-QurÂ'an make protection system faces the possibility that bad in the future (Surah Yusuf / 12: 43 Â-49)

2) That the insured does not mean rejecting destiny
Insured does not mean rejecting or eliminating ketawakalan fate to Allah SWT, because:
Because things happen after thinking it well, working with great earnestness, thorough and meticulous.

Everything that happens in this world, everything is determined by Allah SWT. The man just asked to make extraordinary efforts.

Allah says QS.

Attaghabun / 64: 11
ما أصاب من مصيبة إلا بإذن الله

"Nothing that happened to someone musibahpun except with the permission of Allah."

So basically Islam recognizes that accidents, disasters and death is qodho and qodar God that can not be denied. Only we are asked to plan the next day (Surah A-Hashr / 59: 18)

ياأيها الذين ءامنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون

"O ye who believe, fear Allah and let every soul consider what he has done for the morrow (hereafter), and fear Allah, verily Allah is Informed of what ye do."

والحمد لله رب العالمين

Rikza Maulan Lc MA
Secretary of the Sharia Supervisory Board